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AIVRTTAC Webinar – Consumer Satisfaction Survey Tool

Join the AIVRTTAC Project Evaluator Arden Day, and VR Technical Assistance and Training Specialist Dr. Darold Joseph, for the next webinar about the AIVRTTAC Consumer Satisfaction Survey Tool.

The AIVRTTAC Consumer Satisfaction Survey Tool is designed to help AIVRS Program staff analyze their consumer satisfaction survey data. AIVRS Program staff can enter their program-specific questions and consumer satisfaction survey responses, and the tool will provide charts reflecting results. In addition to introducing AIVRS Programs to this tool, the webinar will review tips for developing, adapting, and writing survey questions; developing plans for data collection; and ideas for how to use the survey results to make data-based decisions.

Upon completion of the webinar an AIVRS Staff member will be able to:

1) Adapt consumer satisfaction survey questions to make them relevant for their program.

2) Develop a plan for collecting responses to consumer satisfaction survey questions.

3) Use the AIVRTTAC Consumer Satisfaction Survey Tool to examine the results of their survey.

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