AIVRTTAC Products and Tools
AIVRTTAC will make updates and corrections to the material in order to ensure legal sufficiency, accuracy of information, and accessibility.
AIVRS Program Evaluation Checklist
Brief Description: The “AIVRS Program Evaluation Checklist and Example” is intended to aid AIVRS Program Directors/Managers in the development of an evaluation plan specific to their AIVRS Program. This evaluation checklist provides suggestions and items to think about when developing an evaluation plan for your program.
Audience: AIVRS Staff
AIVRS Program Certificate of Eligibility/Ineligibility (COE) Tool
Brief Description: The AIVRS Program Certificate of Eligibility/Ineligibility (COE) Tool is designed for use by AIVRS program staff to assist in determining an applicant’s eligibility or ineligibility for VR services within 60 days from the receipt of a completed application (signature and date required).
Audience: AIVRS Staff
AIVRS Program Certificate of Eligibility/Ineligibility (COE) Tool
AT3 Tool
Brief Description:
AIVRTTAC recently began collaborating with the newly funded Assistive Technology Training and Technical Assistance (AT3) Center to build bridges between tribal vocational rehabilitation projects and state Assistive Technology (AT) Act programs.
The purpose of the AT3 Center is to provide training and technical assistance to state AT Act programs, which offer a variety of services that increase access to assistive technology and help individuals with disabilities lead more independent lives. Their services include device demonstrations, short-term equipment loans, device reutilization (such as repair, refurbishment, and reuse of gently used AT and durable medical equipment), and low-interest loans for AT purchase. AT Act programs are located in all 50 states, as well as the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the four territories.
Audience: AIVRS Staff
Consumer Satisfaction Survey Example
Brief Description: This tool is created to act as a guide for developing your own consumer satisfaction survey.
Professional Development Log
Brief Description: Uploaded 07/14/2019
Case File Example
Brief Description: The purpose of the case file example is to provide AIVRS project staff with an example of all components of an active case, from application to post-employment services. Included in this example are templates that AIVRS project staff may edit for their own use. This will improve staff performance, leading to an increase in successful integrated competitive community employment for American Indians/Alaska Natives with disabilities. The information sheet on the six-sided folder is included in this packet as an example of how to develop the participant’s hard case file. It provides ideas as to where specific required components should be housed in the hard file for ease of use.
Audience: AIVRS Staff
AIVRS Case File Review
Brief Description: The AIVRS Case File Review Tool is designed for use by AIVRS staff in monitoring the vocational rehabilitation (VR) service process, provision, and documentation. The AIVRS Case File Review Tool addresses Eligibility, IPE development, and IPE use and can also be used to gain a greater understanding of the VR Counselor’s work with consumers, as well as areas where policy might be improved.
Directions: The AIVRS Case File Review Tool can be completed electronically or printed and completed by hand. If you prefer the paper/pencil version, download the PDF here. If you prefer to complete this electronically, the excel version (with intro as one tab and review tool as a second tab) can be found here.
Audience: AIVRS staff
UPDATED Draft 4/2019
AIVRS Memorandum of Understanding
Brief Description: This document provides a template for use in developing the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) specific to an AIVRS Program and State Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Agency. The purpose of the AIVRS Program Memorandum of Understanding is to establish a formalized partnership with the state Vocational Rehabilitation Agency. The MOU is jointly developed between the two VR agencies with the goal to establish and implement collaborative strategies and identify the roles and responsibilities of the AIVRS Program and the state VR Agency to serve American Indians/Alaska Natives with disabilities to prepare for gainful employment.
Audience: AIVRS Program Directors and staff, VR Counselors
Table of Contents Template for Developing Your AIVRS Policies and Procedures Manual
Brief Description: “Table of Contents Template for Developing Your AIVRS Program Policies and Procedures Manual” is intended to be used by AIVRS Program Directors in the development of a policies and procedures manual specific to your AIVRS Program. This Table of Contents Template provides an outline or framework through which you will develop policies and procedures essential to the effective and efficient operations of your AIVRS Program.
Audience: AIVRS Directors
Delivery of Services to American Indians and Alaska Natives with Disabilities, E-Learning Module
Brief Description: This universal training is for individuals interested in learning about the Delivery of Services to American Indians and Alaska Natives with Disabilities. This self-paced training module is designed to provide current vocational rehabilitation information. At the end of the module, participants will be provided a proficiency check to assist learners in self-evaluation. This training module is your private tutor, so relax and enjoy the process of learning.
Audience: AVIRS staff, VR staff, interested individuals
Delivery of Services to American Indians and Alaska Natives with Disabilities, E-Learning Module
Create Your Own AIVRS Program Overview
Brief Description: This PowerPoint gives AIVRS Program Directors and Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors a template that helps you create your own PowerPoint, highlighting your AIVRS program and important components of the approved grant proposal.
Audience: AIVRS Program Directors and staff, VR Counselors
AIVRS Program Directors Toolkit
Brief Description: The Directors Toolkit contains helpful information and resources for AIVRS Directors as they begin their journey into the AIVRS Community. The toolkit focuses on work that needs to be completed during your first 90 days as Program Director. Topics in the toolkit include Program, Tribal, State, Federal, and Resources.
Audience: AIVRS Program Directors
AIVRS Orientation Checklist for New Staff
Brief Description: This checklist provides an easy-to-follow checklist for topics to cover during new staff orientation.
Audience: AIVRS Program Directors and staff
Creating an AIVRS Advisory Committee
Brief Description: “Creating an AIVRS Advisory Committee” provides important information about the value of establishing an advisory committee. Functions of the committee are presented, as well as the difference between an advisory committee and advisory board. Key items for success are noted.
Audience: AIVRS staff
AIVRTTAC Practice Guides
Brief Description:
Audience: AIVRS Staff / Community
Publications Page includes tab for Smoke Signals Practice Guides
Transition Planning: AIVRS Collaborating with the State VR and Schools to Coordinate Transition Services
Brief Description:
Audience: AIVRS Staff / Community