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Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe TVR Program Supports New Start-Up Business

Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe TVR Program Supports New Start-Up Business

The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Seal is shown

The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe Vocational Rehabilitation (TVR) program helped me tremendously in pursuing and succeeding in my self-employment goals. The guidance they provided enabled me to not only gather my ideas into a business plan, but also connected me with experts in small business to further revise everything needed to be successful. In addition, the TVR program helped me apply for and receive numerous grants and contracts with different programs. The extensive knowledge base within TVR made milestones so much more attainable. 

Supporting my start-up business with equipment gave me such a head start in the field that I was able to begin work immediately. Not having to worry about how I could afford essential items, from lamps to pencils, alleviated so many headaches that usually occur with a brand-new shop. Being connected with the sister program ACCESS-VR [the New York state VR program] doubled the support received. I cannot be more grateful for the chance that both programs gave me. 

The initial interview and planning with my TVR counselor outlined a path, which would have been extremely difficult to do alone and without guidance. The ability to choose what I wanted to do for a vocation instead of just choosing from what was available has made working such a pleasurable experience. Completing this program instilled in me the conviction that anybody can find a job that they not only like but love. TVR has helped me in so many ways that I wish I could leave a five-star review and provide funding myself to help additional community members in need to flourish in whatever area of employment they wish to pursue.

– TVR Participant 

An illustration shows a person receiving TVR services
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